Chili con carne(American-Mexican chili with meat stew) Recipe

1. Brief description

Chili con carne means meat and chili, and it is a dish made with tomatoes, kidney beans, etc. and stir-fried well. The original shape of the dish is presumed to be the area of ​​Mexico before the 16th century, but the current Chili con carne is close to a dish that has been transformed into the southern United States.

It is eaten with nachos, burritos, and hot dogs, and is also used as a sauce for American-style spaghetti.

It is also a favorite food of former US President Barack Obama.

2. Cooking ingredients(2 servings)

250g beef (minced meat), whole grain tomato (canned) 200g, kidney beans (canned) 200g, sweet corn (canned) 50g, 1 red pepper or red paprika(use paprika if you don’t like spicy), 1 onion, 1/2T minced garlic, 3/4 cup beef stock, 2T tomato paste , chili powder (or paprika powder) 1t, a little cooking oil, a little salt, a little pepper powder

3. How to cook

Step 1. Chop the onion and red pepper (use red paprika if you don’t like spicy).

Step 2. Put cooking oil in a heated pot, stir-fry the onion, then add red pepper (or paprika) and stir-fry.

Step 3. Slightly cook the onion and red pepper(or red paprika), add minced garlic and chili powder, mix, then add the beef and stir-fry.

Step 4. Add beef stock and whole grain tomatoes and bring to a boil.(Halfway through boiling, open the lid and mix well.)

Step 5. Mix tomato paste, cover and simmer for 30 minutes, then mix drained kidney beans and sweet corn.(Halfway through boiling, open the lid and mix well.)

Step 6. When the kidney beans and sweet corn are cooked, open the lid, boil a little more, season with salt and pepper powder, and chili powder if you want a more spicy taste.

Step 7. Garnish with mint or herb leaves, parsley, and parsley powder.

4. cooking tips

Chili con carne can be cooked a lot at once and eaten with a variety of dishes (tacos, hot dogs, rice, bread, etc.).

This food can feel different in spiciness depending on the person, so you need to be careful in adjusting the spiciness.